07. The beast from the Abyss, I – Walter Veith



Reviving Faith, Part 1 – WALTER VEITHIn this seminar, Prof. Walter Veith presents the 22 chapters of Revelation in the light of history and prophecy.Detailed compliance and what still has to be met. God’s plan to save the human race, and the enemy’s plan to destroy it. This seminar will help those unfamiliar with the Apocalypse, and also help those years have been studying these issues.The seminar is in English translated into Spanish. The study method is the same that has distinguished the Jews in antiquity, the early church and the Reformers: is to compare the Bible with other Biblical texts to have a global view of the meaning of the text of Revelation.

06. When the trumpets sound, II – Walter Veith

Reviving Faith, Part 1 – WALTER VEITHIn this seminar, Prof. Walter Veith presents the 22 chapters of Revelation in the light of history and prophecy.Detailed compliance and what still has to be met. God’s plan to save the human race, and the enemy’s plan to destroy it. This seminar will help those unfamiliar with the Apocalypse, and also help those years have been studying these issues.The seminar is in English translated into Spanish. The study method is the same that has distinguished the Jews in antiquity, the early church and the Reformers: is to compare the Bible with other Biblical texts to have a global view of the meaning of the text of Revelation

05. When the trumpets sound, I – Walter Veith

Reviving Faith, Part 1 – WALTER VEITHIn this seminar, Prof. Walter Veith presents the 22 chapters of Revelation in the light of history and prophecy.Detailed compliance and what still has to be met. God’s plan to save the human race, and the enemy’s plan to destroy it. This seminar will help those unfamiliar with the Apocalypse, and also help those years have been studying these issues.The seminar is in English translated into Spanish. The study method is the same that has distinguished the Jews in antiquity, the early church and the Reformers: is to compare the Bible with other Biblical texts to have a global view of the meaning of the text of Revelation.

04 The 7 Seals II – Walter Veith

Reviving Faith, Part 1 – WALTER VEITHIn this seminar, Prof. Walter Veith presents the 22 chapters of Revelation in the light of history and prophecy.Detailed compliance and what still has to be met. God’s plan to save the human race, and the enemy’s plan to destroy it. This seminar will help those unfamiliar with the Apocalypse, and also help those years have been studying these issues.The seminar is in English translated into Spanish. The study method is the same that has distinguished the Jews in antiquity, the early church and the Reformers: is to compare the Bible with other Biblical texts to have a global view of the meaning of the text of Revelation.

03 The 7 Seals I

Reviving Faith, Part 1 – WALTER VEITHIn this seminar, Prof. Walter Veith presents the 22 chapters of Revelation in the light of history and prophecy.Detailed compliance and what still has to be met. God’s plan to save the human race, and the enemy’s plan to destroy it. This seminar will help those unfamiliar with the Apocalypse, and also help those years have been studying these issues.The seminar is in English translated into Spanish. The study method is the same that has distinguished the Jews in antiquity, the early church and the Reformers: is to compare the Bible with other Biblical texts to have a global view of the meaning of the text of Revelation

02 The 7 Churches of Christian History II



Reviving Faith, Part 1 – WALTER VEITHIn this seminar, Prof. Walter Veith presents the 22 chapters of Revelation in the light of history and prophecy.Detailed compliance and what still has to be met. God’s plan to save the human race, and the enemy’s plan to destroy it. This seminar will help those unfamiliar with the Apocalypse, and also help those years have been studying these issues.The seminar is in English translated into Spanish. The study method is the same that has distinguished the Jews in antiquity, the early church and the Reformers: is to compare the Bible with other Biblical texts to have a global view of the meaning of the text of Revelation.

01 The 7 Churches of Christian History

Reviving Faith, Part 1 – WALTER VEITHIn this seminar, Prof. Walter Veith presents the 22 chapters of Revelation in the light of history and prophecy.Detailed compliance and what still has to be met. God’s plan to save the human race, and the enemy’s plan to destroy it. This seminar will help those unfamiliar with the Apocalypse, and also help those years have been studying these issues.The seminar is in English translated into Spanish. The study method is the same that has distinguished the Jews in antiquity, the early church and the Reformers: is to compare the Bible with other Biblical texts to have a global view of the meaning of the text of Revelation.

Cosmic Conflict – The Origin of Evil (AmazingFacts )

Cosmic Conflict: Origin of Evil is a powerful, eye-opening documentary that focuses on the great controversy that began when Lucifer rebelled in heaven. It traces the transformation of a perfect angel into Satan, the creation of a beautiful new world, and the fall of man in Eden. Please buy the DVD @ http://www.cosmicconflict.com . I don’t own the copyrights to this video and shared strictly for educational purposes. Enjoy rate and hope your are enlightened by this powerful ministry. God bless!



Lo encontramos!
En 1984, después de su encarcelamiento en Saudita, Ron había visitado al Coronel Jim Irwin en su Oficina, y él había dicho a Jim acerca de ambos descubrimientos el “objeto en forma de barco” y el de Jebel Lawz (Monte Sinaí en Arabia). Mientras que el principal interés de Jim parecía ser en exploración de Arca de Noé, expresó su interés en el sitio en Saudita y ofreció cualquier ayuda que él pudiera darle.

En la edición de julio de 1988 de “Fundación Alto Vuelo Newsletter de Jim Irwin”, se hizo el siguiente anuncio:

“Gran noticia! Estamos firmemente convencidos de que el Monte Sinaí REAL ha sido descubierto. Desde febrero, nosotros hemos estado buscando en Egipto y Arabia Saudita en un intento de encontrar el verdadero Monte Sinaí, en la actualidad se cree que en Egipto….Larry Williams y yo [Bob Cornuke] hemos hecho dos viajes a Arabia…

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The Ark of the Covenant

This is one of the archaeological and religious relics most wanted in the world. She was found by Ron Wyatt, an anesthetist and amateur archaeologist.
Other findings were: The Red Sea crossing, the chariots of the Egyptians, Noah’s Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah and other archaeological artifacts.
The discovery of the Ark of the Covenant confirm that all that is written in the Bible is the absolute truth. Therefore, there would be no doubt of the existence of a Creator God.